- Requirements for article formatting
- Article structure
- Requirements for the title of the article
- Requirements for Abstract section
- Requirements for Keywords
- Requirements for the citation text
- Requirements for the text of the article
- Requirements for the design of formulas
- Requirements for the design of figures
- Requirements for the design of tables
- Requirements for the references formatting within the text
- Requirements for Сonclusions
- Requirements for the formatting of the References section
- Additional information
- Requirements for the presentation of information about an article in Ukrainian and Russian
- Requirements for the design of information about authors
- Submitting an article
- Article Processing Charge
1 Requirements for article formatting
Microsoft Word file page options:
– page size - A4 (210mm x 297mm);
– page margins: top, left and right - 2 cm, bottom - 2.5 cm;
– the main text of the article: font size 11 pt;
– orientation - portrait;
– alignment - in width;
– hyphenation mode - auto;
– pages are not numbered by the authors;
– paragraph indent – 0.75 cm.
The article should be 12 to 14 pages long.
The language of the article is English.
The article is submitted in Microsoft Word format (recommended in Microsoft Word 2003 format – file with.doc extension)
The text of the article is typed using Times New Roman font, single spacing.
Column formatting options for individual article elements:
– for UDC, list of authors, article title, abstract, keywords, bibliography, the number of columns is one;
– for the remaining sections of the main text of the article, the number of columns is two (when reformatting further text into two columns, authors should use the section break on the current page); column width – 8.25 cm, column spacing – 0.5 cm, columns must be the same width.
Page header. The position of the header relative to the top of the sheet and the footer relative to the bottom of the sheet should be 1.25 cm.
The title of the journal is printed (10 pt font, left alignment, no first line indents), the text in the header is underlined at the bottom with a 1.5 pt solid line.
The footer is a table with one row and three columns. The table sets the border at the top as a solid 1 pt. line. The rest of the table borders are made invisible.
The first cell of the table contains the text (10 pt font, left alignment, no first line indents):
ISSN 2617-4316 (Print)
ISSN 2663-7723 (Online)
Customization of footers should be done so that they differ for the first page, as well as for subsequent odd and even pages of the article.
The complete text for the header and footer is generated by the Editorial Board.
Before the title of the article, the following are indicated:
DOI – located in the first line of the first sheet (11 pt font, bold, left alignment, no first line indents); the components of the identifier are formed by the editors.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.15276/aait.01.2021.1
Then the UDC (Universal Decimal Classification) index is located in the second line of the first sheet (11 pt font, bold, left alignment, no first line indents), is determined in accordance with the tables issued by the UDC Consortium (http: //www.udcc.org).
2 Article structure
The article should include the following sections:
- Introduction
- Literature analysis and problem statement
- The purpose and objectives of the study
- Materials and research methods (the section must be named so that the “experimental” and “methodological” components of the author's research are clear)
- Research results (the section must be named so that the essence of the author's research is clear)
- Discussion of the results (the section must be named so that the essence of the author's research is clear)
- Conclusions
- Acknowledgments (if any)
- References – List of used sources of at least 30-35 positions in the original language.
- Information about the authors in English
Information about the authors in Ukrainian
3 Requirements for the title of the article
The title should be short, clear, informative and reflect the content of the article, as well as attract the attention of the reader. The maximum title length is 6-8 words, excluding prepositions and articles. The title of the article is placed after the UDC (16 pt font, bold, the first letter is uppercase, all other letters are lowercase, center alignment, no indentation) and is separated from the rest of the text by blank lines at the top and bottom.
After the title, the list of authors is given in English: for each author, two lines are used, the first line contains the first name, one letter of the middle name, the author's surname (for the first line, font 11 pt, bold), for example: Anatoly A. Ivanov
The surname is followed by a footnote to the place of work in the form of a number with a parenthesis; the second line contains the ORCID (registration on the site - https://orcid.org/register), then the email address separated by a semicolon (for the second line, the font is 9 pt, normal).
After the list of all authors, there is a list containing poistion, work place address, city and country; there is a separate line for each work place, and they are listed in the order of the footnotes. For authors working for the same organization, one footnote is used.
The list of authors is followed by a blank line.
The Author List section is right-aligned.
4 Requirements for Abstract section
The Abstract section starts with the heading ABSTRACT (11 pt bold, center alignment), followed by an empty line.
For the text of this section, the font is 9 pt, normal, the indent is 0.75 cm, justified alignment. Numbers, abbreviations in annotations are not allowed.
An abstract is a short description of an article accessible to a non-specialist in terms of its purpose, content, type and form, which allows the reader to establish the main content of the article, determine its relevance and decide whether to read the full text of the article. The abstract should be informative, meaningful (reflect the main content of the article and research results) and structured (reflect the logic of describing the results in the article). A structured Abstract should contain: Relevance, Purpose, Method, Results, Conclusions (scientific novelty and practical significance are described). It should contain a general description of the research topic and the problem being solved or the object under study, the purpose of the research, a description of the research method, a description of the scientific novelty and practical significance of the work, the main results and conclusions, the value of the research, the contribution of the work to the relevant area of knowledge. The subject, topic and purpose of the work are indicated if they are not clear from the title of the article. Abstract should not repeat the text of the article itself, as well as its title, should not contain numbers, formulas, tables, inline footnotes and links, as well as paragraphs.
The recommended average section length is 300-350 words (at least 2000 printable characters with spaces).
5 Requirements for Keywords
Keywords follow immediately after Abstract, first the text “Keywords:” is indicated (font 9 pt, bold, justified alignment, indent 0.75 cm), then the text in the same line (font 9 pt, normal); the first element of keywords starts with a capital letter. Keywords express the main semantic content of the article, serve as a guide for the reader and are used to search for articles in electronic databases and abstract journals. The phrase contains no more than 2 words, and the text itself contains no more than 6 terms. Keywords are given in the nominative case, do not contain abbreviations, and are separated by a comma. The list of keywords does not end with a period.
In order to increase the citation and better recognition of the article by search engines, it is not recommended to use key concepts represented by one word or sentence.
6 Requirements for the citation text
The text for citation is indicated through a blank line after the keywords (font 8 pt, bold, justified alignment without indentation), after the text “For citation:” (italics) there is a list of authors (surname, initials) separated by commas, then the title of the article and the title journal (all words, except for articles, must begin with capital letters), the subsequent text is formed by the Editorial Board.
7 Requirements for the text of the article
The article must not contain grammatical or other errors, and must also correspond to the subject of the journal and the requirements for specialized scientific publications. The article title and section headings should not end with a period.
The text of the article must comply with the rules of spelling: in English - http://www.chicagomanualofstyle.org/tools_citationguide.html
The text of the article includes several sections (INTRODUCTION, LITERATURE REVIEW,…, CONCLUSIONS), the section heading should be typed in font 11 pt, bold, capital letters, center alignment, no indentation, 6 pt spacing before and after the paragraph.
The paragraph for the main text of the article begins with a new line with an indentation of 0.75 cm, should be justified and arranged in 2 columns.
At the bottom of the left column on the first page is the copyright section, which includes the copyright icon © (10 pt font, bold), followed by the names and initials of the authors and the publication year, separated by commas (10 pt font, normal), a 1 pt width line is placed above the first line of the section (borders and fill are applied to paragraph).
Abbreviations and conventions, except for the generally accepted ones, are used in exceptional cases and are given with their decoding at the first mention.
The last page of the text must be filled at least 75%. Articles with a blank last page are not accepted by the Editors.
The presence of empty areas inside the article, which are formed before or after volumetric (large) figures, is not allowed. Authors should perform relative placement of figures and text in such a way as to exclude the occurrence of empty areas within the article.
The period is not placed after the title of the article and section headings, table titles, dimensions (s – second, g – gram, min – minute, day – day, deg – degree).
The period is placed after footnotes (including tables), table notes, brief annotations, abbreviations (mon. – month, y. – year, mln. – million).
The abbreviation of variables is performed by using -th (for example, i-th).
Multiple word abbreviations are separated by spaces (for example, 760 mm Hg), except for the most common ones (for example, etc., i.e.). A space is placed between the number or paragraph sign and the number (for example, No. 1; § 5.65). The dimensions are separated from the number by a space (for example, 100 kPa, 77 K, 10.3 A), except for degrees, percent: 90°, 20° C, 50%. Quotation marks and parentheses are not separated by spaces from the enclosed words.
When listing, as well as in numerical intervals, the dimension is given only for the last number (18-20 J/mol), with the exception of angular degrees. Angular degree icons are never skipped: 5°-10°, not 5-10°. Degrees Celsius are indicated as 5°C, not 5°.
All units and dimensions must be given in the International System of Units (SI). Numbers less than 11 are written in words, and larger ones and smaller ones combined with them in one phrase are written in numbers. For numbers written with units, only numbers are always used. All numbers are written in numbers when used in a mathematical sense. The integer and fractional parts of numbers are separated by a dot. A decimal fraction less than one must always be preceded by zero (for example, 0.123). It is advisable not to start sentences with numbers.
Ellipsis is used in mathematics to indicate continuation in an expression, for example, 1) x1, x2,…, xn; 2) x1 + x2 +… + xn; 3) i = 0, 1, 2, ..., K. Lists consist of more than one item. Each position in the list should be preceded by a number with a parenthesis or with a period or a hyphen for an unordered list. If the elements of the list continue the sentence, then they are separated by a semicolon, a colon is placed before the list after the generalizing word, and each element is started with a small letter. If the elements of the list are separate sentences, then each of them begins with a capital letter and ends with a period.
Subtext footnotes are not allowed
8 Requirements for the design of formulas
Formulas should be typed in the same font size.
Formulas must be typed in the MathType editor.
Formulas are placed immediately after the text in the center of the column and numbered, if they are referenced in the text, in parentheses on the right, for example (1), (2-3)
The formula is part of the text, so after the formula there should be a semantic sign, if a new sentence comes next, then a period, if further there is an explanation, then a comma.
The formula set parameters are as follows
Sizes of symbols: regular – 11 pt, large index – 8 pt, small index – 6 pt, large symbol – 14 pt, small symbol – 10 pt. Variable names, if they are presented in Latin letters, should be typed in italics, other styles should not be italicized or bold. Greek letters, as well as symbols of operators and functions (min, max, sin, cos, tg, ctg, etc.) are not italicized. Cyrillic symbols are not recommended in formulas and mathematical notations. Large formulas are written in several lines.
Paragraph indentation is not used for formulas (it is equal to zero).
Small formulas without numbering and individual mathematical symbols are given in the text of the article in a regular set without using the formula editor.
Authors need to make sure that editing is available for all formulas before submitting an article to the editorial board.
Submission of material with formulas that are not available for editing is not allowed.
9 Requirements for the design of figures
Figures are placed in the center of the main text of the article, paragraph indentation is not used. If the figure is no more than the width of the column, then it is placed inside the text of the column, wrapped with text at the top and bottom. Large figures are placed at the top or bottom of the page, in a separate section, one column. The figure caption (font 11 pt, center alignment, no indentation) includes the text “Fig.”, Then the figure number separated by a space (normal, italic), then after a period, separated by a space, the name of the figure with a capital letter (bold).
After the figure caption, the word “Source:” (8 pt, bold, center alignment, no indentation) is indicated in a new line, followed by a link to the figure source (https: // en ... or a link to the source in References [27 ]) or the text “compiled by the authors”.
Figures are placed immediately after the text, where they are mentioned for the first time, or on the next page. All figures should be referenced in the article.
References to figures are typed with spaces (for example: Fig. 1). At the same time, numbers with letters in the designations are typed without spaces: (Fig. 1c).
The numbering of figures, formulas and tables in the text of the article is continuous and one-level.
The size of the captions on the figures should correspond to the size of Times New Roman 11 pt.
If figures contain texts, then they should not be typed in italics or bold, and all texts should be in the same style.
Figures must be submitted in JPG format.
When zoomed in, the picture should retain the image, should not be displayed in pixels. Figures should be full-color, since the magazine is published in both print and electronic versions.
If the figure shows graphs, then the figure caption must contain all designations, including the coordinate axes. If a separate figure consists of fragments, then they should be designated by letters without brackets (a, b, c,…) and located on the same page, and references to them are given in the text with a lowercase letter next to the figure number without spaces and brackets; figure captions should contain explanations for each part. The size of the picture should not exceed the width of the page (17 cm) or the width of the column (8 cm).
Text within figures are made in Times New Roman font, size 11 pt.
Figure captions are included in the text of the article, and not in graphic files.
The presence of empty areas inside the article, which are formed before or after volumetric (large) figures, is not allowed. Authors should perform relative placement of figures and text in such a way as to exclude the occurrence of empty areas within the article.
10 Requirements for the design of tables
Tables are placed in the center of the main text of the article, paragraph indentation is not used. If the table is not wider than the column width, then it is placed inside the column text. Large tables are placed at the top or bottom of the page, in a separate section, in one column.
The capiton of the table includes the word “Table” (11 pt font, center alignment, no indentation), then the table number separated by a space (italic, normal), then, separated by punctuation, the name of the table with a capital letter (bold).
After the table in a new line, the word “Source:“ (8 pt, bold, center alignment, no indentation) is indicated, followed by a link to the source of the figure (https://en ... or a link to the source in the list of references [27 ]) or the text “compiled by the authors”.
Tables are placed immediately after the text, where they are mentioned for the first time, or on the next page. All tables should be referenced in the article.
References to tables are typed with spaces (for example: Table 2).
The numbering of figures, formulas and tables in the text of the article is continuous and one-level.
The sizes of the captions in the tables must correspond to the size of Times New Roman 11 pt. The text in the tables must be in the same style.
Tables concisely present numerical or factual information in a grid format. Tables are created using the capabilities of MS Word. Units should be listed in the column headings, and not repeated for each record in the body of the table. The table header does not contain empty cells. All tables should be arranged vertically. If the table is broken into several pages, there is no need to repeat the header on a new page.
A table containing graphics (such as arrows in a flowchart) is probably best thought of as a figure, although sometimes figures can be embedded in a table. Tables typed as text (using a large number of spaces, tabs, not using cells) cannot be included in the text of the article.
11 Requirements for the references formatting within the text
References to literary sources in the text of the article are numbered sequentially, identified by numbers in square brackets [1], [2] and entered manually without using the built-in automation capabilities of the text editor
The regerences must follow the order in which they are mentioned in the article.
All literary sources listed in the References section must be referenced in the text of the article!
When citing several sources at the same time, authors need to list no more than two numbers separately, in their own brackets, separated by commas or dashes: [3-4], [5, 6] or [3], [4], [5], [ 6].
12 Requirements for Сonclusions
Conclusions should be specific in terms of the assigned tasks, convincing, and also contain a description of the prospects for further research.
13 Requirements for the formatting of the References section
The References section begins with the heading REFERENCES (11 pt font, bold, center alignment, no indentation, on a separate line), then each source is described on a separate line (11 pt font, 0.75 cm indent, numbered list, width justification , in one column), the names of non-English-language sources are translated into English (not transliterated!), the original language is indicated. Spaces are always put between the initials and the surname (for example, A. A. Ivanov).
Sources must be at least 30. In the list of references, it is unacceptable to use all-Union State Standards and national standards. The percentage of self-citation is no more than 30% of the total list.
A comma is placed after the author's surname, the authors are listed separated by commas, the last author is separated by an ampersand &.
The name is enclosed in quotation marks.
For a periodical, the title of the publication is indicated in italics, ends with a dot, then the year, a semicolon, then the volume, colon, pages are indicated; if there is a volume, then the symbols “p.” are not indicated, if only the year, then “p.” specified before the page range.
For an Internet source, the date of viewing is indicated.
DOI is indicated at the very end.
If a city and a country are specified, then the city first, the colon, then the country.
An example of a reference to an Internet source
Example of references to Scopus and DOI resources (must be at least 5-7 items in the general bibliography)
An example of a reference to an article in a periodical
An example of a reference to the source in its entirety, without separate pages
An example of a link to an article in a periodical without a volume
14 Additional information
After the list of references, the text is indicated on a separate line (font 8 pt, left alignment, no indentation):
Conflicts of Interest: The authors declare that there is no conflict of interest
Further, the history of the article is indicated in the following form:
Received – Date of receipt, indicated by the Editorial Board
Received after revision – Date of receipt after review, indicated by the Editorial Board
Accepted – Date of acceptance for publication, indicated by the Editorial Board
15 Requirements for the presentation of information about an article in Ukrainian
Information about the article in Ukrainian is indicated (clauses 2-7 of these requirements, with the same rules for registration, with the only exception – the patronymic is indicated in full).
16 Requirements for the design of information about authors
Information about ALL authors is indicated (in the form of a table with invisible borders, two columns, the cell in the first column contains a color photograph of 3x4 cm, the cell in the second column contains text in 8 pt font), one row of the table corresponds to one author.
The text in the cell of the second column includes (without indentation): first name, patronymic, last name (in full, bold), academic degree and year of obtaining the degree (all degrees are listed in descending order of the year of receipt), title, position held, place of work, address; in the next paragraph: ORCID and, separated by semicolons, email address; in the next paragraph the area of interest is indicated, followed by “Research field:” (bold, italic) and other text in regular font.
Information about the authors is presented in English and Ukrainian
17 Submitting an article
You can submit an article to the Editorial Board in the following ways:
- Send to E-mail: obbabiychuk@ukr.net
- Submit an article on-line using the OJS platform (Open Journal System)
- Personally submit the manuscript to the editorial office at. 1, Shevchenko Ave. building 5, Odessa, Ukraine.
It is imperative that your manuscript be formatted according to the requirements of the journal; requirements for authors and guidelines for manuscript formatting are posted on the journal’s website.
Before submitting your manuscript, please make sure that:
– You have fulfilled all the requirements of the journal for the design of articles;
– the file of the manuscript for submission to the Editorial Board is prepared in the format of a Microsoft Word document;
– the text meets the stylistic and bibliographic requirements set out in the Guide for Authors
– You have submitted all the necessary sections in your article;
– All figures and tables are made in the proper quality, and also presented in the required resolution;
– Consent for publication has been received from all co-authors;
– You have discussed all conflicts of interest;
– You agree to pay the publication fee after the article is accepted.
When submitting a manuscript to the journal, the authors thereby confirm its compliance with all the established requirements, and also confirm that they own the exclusive copyright for the article, that it has not been previously published and has not been submitted for consideration to the editors of other journals, and also does not contain information. prohibited for publication in the open press.
Articles that do not meet the specified requirements are not accepted for consideration.
The editorial board reserves the right to revise and shorten the text of the article without notifying the author.
18 The Article Processing Charge
The Article Processing Charge (APC) is a contractual fee charged by a scholarly journal to cover the costs of printing, publishing, metric indexing, and public hosting.