Models of risk management in development projects for housing and utility service providers




Utilities, service providers, mathematical model, functional model, informational model, anti-risk management, development projects, organizational structure, decision making


The effective work of housing and utility service providers is closely related to the development projects they implement. Antirisk management is an important component of development project management. The analysis of mathematical, functional, and
informational models of management of development projects of providers of housing and communal services, taking into account
risks, was carried out. Mechanisms for integral evaluation of projects, priority allocation of company resources in the most promising
directions are proposed. The limitations of the development projects of housing and utility service providers for further scientific
research are indicated. An essential lever for increasing the effectiveness of anti-risk management in the development projects of
providers of housing and communal services is the possibility of adjusting priorities regarding the implementation of development
projects in real time due to the introduction of management automation and decision-making algorithmization, a process approach to
risk management and management decision-making, and a dynamic organizational structure of project management development
Automation of management and algorithmization of management decision-making allows all participants of development projects to
be in one information system: to build a logical sequence of tasks, to determine the project path, to create an uninterrupted material
flow with the minimization of necessary stocks, to establish transparency and control for stakeholders of development projects, etc.
Algorithmization of decision-making allows timely prevention of project volume growth, low productivity, cost overruns, lack of
time and resources, decision-making based on incomplete information, incompetence of development project participants. The dynamic organizational structure of management of development projects stimulates the coordination of actions and quick resolution of
issues, education of the personnel reserve, establishment of communication, etc.


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Author Biographies

Yuri V. Chernenko, “MASTERGAZ LLC”, 6А, Larysy Rudenko Str. of/623. Kyiv, 02141, Ukraine

chairman of the board of directors

Olena B. Danchenko, Cherkassy State Technological University, 460, Shevchenko Blvd. Cherkassy, 18006, Ukraine

DrSci. (Eng), Professor. Professor of the Department of Computer Science and Systems Analysis

Scopus Author ID: 57213096811

Viktor M. Melenchuk, Military Academy, 10, Str. Fontanskaya road. Odessa, 65009, Ukraine

Candidate of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor. Associate Professor of the Department of Repair and Maintenance of Vehicles and Special Technique

Liudmyla D. Mysnyk, Cherkasy State Technological University, 460, Shevchenko Blvd, Cherkasy, 18006, Ukraine

Candidate of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor. Associate Professor of the Department of Design of Food Production and New Generation Machines




How to Cite

Chernenko Y.V.., Danchenko O.B., Melenchuk V.M.., Mysnyk L.D. “Models of risk management in development projects for housing and utility service providers”. Applied Aspects of Information Technology. 2022; Vol. 5, No. 3: 208-216. DOI: