In case of disagreement with the opinion of the reviewers, the authors have the right to provide a reasoned answer to the editorial office of the journal and/or apply for re-review. The article can be sent for additional consideration to an independent external expert or members of the Editorial Board. Also, in case of disagreement with the opinion of the reviewers, the authors can withdraw the article, about which it is necessary to notify the editorial office of the journal. The authors who have received a negative opinion of the experts, in case of revision of the manuscripts, have the right to re-submit and review the articles in the general order. In conflict situations, the final decision is made by the Editor-in-Chief.
If the author does not agree with certain remarks of the reviewer, he has the right to send an appeal to the editorial office in the format “reviewer's comment – author’s reply”. This document is sent to the reviewer, and, together with the editors, an appropriate decision is made regarding the manuscript.